Tasting Method
Policy: All Food & Thought employees will use the correct and sanitary tasting method to prevent contamination and ensure food safety.
Procedure: All Food & Thought employees must: Use a Two Spoon Tasting Method:
1. Remove a sample of a product from the container with onespoon.
2. Transfer the product sample onto a second spoon, away from the original food container or preparationarea.
3. Sample the product bytasting.
4. Never re-use used spoons. Use clean and sanitary spoons each tasting. Always use two spoonstoensuresanitarypracticesarebeingfollowedandtheproductisnotcontaminated.
The cafe supervisors and managers will:
1. Educate new employees on proper tasting method
2. Follow up as necessary
3. Observe and enforce regulations requiring employees to use proper tasting protocols
4. Adhere to disciplinary practices for employees in violation
Policy last revisedon:
Managers Initials:
Employee Signature: