Employee Health and Personal Hygiene
Policy: All Food & Thought employees will maintain good personal hygiene practices to ensure food safety.
Procedure: All Food & Thought employees must:
1. Arrive at work clean – clean hair, teeth brushed, bathed and used deodorantdaily.
2. Maintain short, clean, and polish-free fingernails. No artificial nails are permitted in the food productionarea.
3. If handling food wash hands (including under fingernails) and up to forearms vigorously and thoroughly with soap and warm water for a period of 20seconds:
• When entering the facility before workbegins.
• Immediately before preparing food or handlingequipment.
• As often as necessary during food preparation when contaminationoccurs.
• In the restroom after toilet use and when you return to your workstation.
• When switch ng between working with raw foods and working with ready-to-eat orcooked foods.
• After touching face, nose, hair, or any other body part, and after sneezing orcoughing.
• After cleaningduties.
• Between each task performed and before wearing disposablegloves.
• After smoking, eating, ordrinking.
• Any other time an unsanitary task has been performed – i.e. taking out garbage, handling cleaning chemicals, wiping tables, picking up a dropped food item,etc.
4. Wash hands only in hand sinks designated for thatpurpose.
5. Dry hands with single use towels. Turn off faucets using a paper towel, in order to prevent recontamination of cleanhands.
1. Fingernails should be trimmed, filed, and maintained so edges and surfaces are cleanable and not rough.
Proper Attire:
1. Wear appropriate clothing – clean uniform or clothing with sleeves and clean non-skid close-toedwork shoes (or leather tennis shoes) that are comfortable for standing and working on floors that can be slippery
• Wear apron on site, as appropriate
• Do not wear apron to and fromwork.
• Take off apron before using therestroom.
• Remove apron when leaving the foodservicearea.
Employee Health and Personal Hygiene, cont.
• Change apron if it becomes soiled orstained.
2. Wear disposable gloves with any cuts, sores, rashes, or lesions. Wear gloves whenhandling ready-to-eat foods that will not be heated-treated. Gloves should be worn when servingfood.
3. Change disposable gloves as often as handwashing is required. Wash hands beforedonning and after discardinggloves.
Hair Restraints and Jewelry:
1. Wear a hair net or hat in any food production area so that all hair is completelycovered.
2. Beard restraints are required in any food productionarea.
3. Refrain from wearing jewelry in the food productionarea.
• Only a plain weddingband.
• No necklaces, bracelets, or dangling jewelry arepermitted.
• No earrings or piercings that can be removed arepermitted.
1. Report any flu-like symptoms, diarrhea, and/or vomiting to the unit supervisor. Employees with these symptoms will be sent home with the exception of symptoms from a noninfectious condition; employees could be re-assigned to activities so that there is no risk of transmitting a disease through food.
Instances of Norovirus, Hepatitis A, Nontyphodial Salmonella, Salmonella Typhi, Shigella, or Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia Coli mustbe reported to the unit supervisor. Exclude the foodservice employee if diagnosed with an infection from Norovirus, Hepatitis A, Nontyphodial Salmonella, Salmonella Typhi, Shigella, or Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia Coli.
Cuts, Abrasions, and Burns:
1. Bandage any cut, abrasion, or burn that has broken theskin.
2. Cover bandages on hands with gloves and finger cots, and change asappropriate.
3. Inform unit supervisor of allwounds.
Smoking, eating, and gum chewing:
1. Smoke only in designated areas. No smoking or chewing tobacco shall occur insideproduction facilities.
2. Eat and drink in designated areas only. A closed beverage container may be used in the production area if the container is handled to prevent contamination of 1) the employee’shands,
2) the container, and 3) exposed food, clean equipment, utensils, linens, and unwrapped single- service and single-use articles.
3. Refrain from chewing gum or eating candy during work in a food productionarea.
The restaurant manager will:
1. Ensure employees are following proper hygiene requirements when they report towork.
2. Follow up asnecessary.
3. Observe and enforce regulations requiring employees to use proper Procedures
4. Adhere to disciplinary practices for employees in violation
Policy last revisedon: